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Please note we require a min of 5 chicks to ship. 25 chicks will fit per box. You can mix and match breeds. 


Black Copper Marans are known for their deep chocolate brown eggs. 

They tend to be docile. They handle the cold and hot weathers well here in Utah. 


Chicks are Stright Run Only. Eggs from 3F Farms range from 4-8 on the Marans Egg Color Card. I breed my birds in line with the Standard of Perfection.  Please note that I can not guarantee egg colors, but I select for darker eggs each season. Please note that chicks will receive mareks disease vaccination at hatch.


Hens weigh on average: 6lbs

Roosters weigh, on aveage: 7-8lbs 

Average Yearly Egg Production: 150-200 

Age to Maturity: 25 weeks 

Black Copper Marans

Out of Stock
  • Please note for us to ship day-olds safely, there is a minimum order of 5 chicks per shipment. You can mix and match breeds. 25 chicks fit per shipping box.


    We will not ship if temperatures are below 40 or above 90 degrees. 

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