Become NPIP/AI Certified !
3F Farms is a certified tester for the National Poultry Improvement Plan here in Utah! We offer testing for backyard flocks throughout the state of Utah. Interested in becoming a certified flock? Ask us how!
What is NPIP/AI
NPIP stands for the National Poultry Improvement Plan. This was established in 1930. The certification tests for Pullorum - Typhoid. TP is a disease caused by a salmonella species that infects chickens, turkeys, and other types of poultry. This disease is egg transmitted and can produce high death loss. Birds that survive a P-T infection are carriers for life and can infect other birds. Most states including Utah also require monitoring birds for Avian Influenza or AI. AI is a highly contagious type A virus that is normally spread by waterfowl. Wild aquatic birds are considered hosts and tend to not show symptoms. Although it doesn't kill wildlife it can be devastating to domestic poultry.
Requirements for Utah
Every state is slightly different to obtain a NPIP Certification. Here is Utahs requirements.
- All Poultry must be tested annually for P-T (this includes all birds on the property regardless if you plan to sell that type or not)
-Every 6 months up to 30 birds from the flock should be tested for Avian Influenza
- Once certified NPIP/AI flocks must only source their birds/eggs from other certified flocks.
-Testing includes adult birds. Birds are considered adults at 16 weeks of age.
How does testing work?
The first step to getting your flock tested is contacting a local state tester like 3F Farms!
Next we will send you a quote based on your flock size/location.
Once we schedule a testing date 3F Farms will come out and test your flock. P-T is a whole blood rapid agglutination plate test. These results are instant. AI is an oral swab that is sent into the Utah State Veterinary Diagnostic lab.
After tested and confirmed negative test for AI. 3F Farms handles all your paperwork and submits it to the State Agricultural department.
Once paperwork has been submitted the state handles all NPIP registration and contacting the flock owner to get all proper paperwork for shipments.
Please note 3F Farms takes bio-security very seriously. All our equipment and gear is properly sanitized before we enter your property. We wear disposable coverall as well to keep your flock safe.
Benefits of being Certified?
There are many benefits to having your NPIP/AI Certification here are a few.
-Knowing you have a healthy Flock
-Ability to sell poultry across state lines
-Ability to show in shows that require testing
-Help keep Utah status of P-T/AI Clean.