Please note we require a min of 5 chicks to ship. Twenty chicks will fit per box. You can mix and match breeds.
Our White Marans are bred with the Standard of Perfection in mind. We currently show the adult stock.
Chicks are Stright Run Only. Eggs from 3F Farms range from 4-6 on the egg shade card.
Hens weigh on average: 6lbs
Roosters weigh, on aveage: 7-8lbs
Average Yearly Egg Production: 150-200
Age to Maturity: 25 weeks
White Marans
Out of Stock
Please note for us to ship day-olds safely, there is a minimum order of 5 chicks per shipment. You can mix and match breeds. 25 chicks fit per shipping box.
We will not ship if temperatures are below 40 or above 90 degrees.